In a tragic incident, an 18-year-old rodeo roper, Ace Patton Ashford, lost his life in a freak accident in Lott, Texas. Ashford, a beloved member of the local community, was attending to a sick calf when a nearby horse was startled and dragged him across an open field. The incident was confirmed by the Lott Volunteer Fire Department.
Emergency responders found Ashford alive but in critical condition due to severe head injuries. Despite being airlifted to a local hospital, the young man succumbed to his injuries. Ashford, a talented roper, had been involved in rodeo since he was four years old. He was preparing to compete for Hill College in Hillsboro, Texas, in the upcoming fall season, according to The Team Roping Journal.
National Finals Rodeo roper Cody Snow, who knew Ashford well, described him as “pure gold.” Snow shared a recent memory of Ashford and his father visiting his house for a roping session before heading to Lovington. “They ate dinner and went home, and we got to spend one last night with him,” Snow said, expressing his gratitude for the final shared moments.
Marcus Becerra, another acquaintance of Ashford, told the Journal that Ace was the kind of person parents would want their children to emulate. Becerra, who had competed alongside Ashford and won in the past, praised his horsemanship and manners. “Everybody knows how good a kid he was, how cordial he was, how respectful he was,” Becerra said.
A Facebook post by Troy Ashford Farmers Insurance, his father’s business, described Ace as an “amazing and humble young man” who had recently graduated high school. The post expressed deep sorrow for the Ashford family’s loss and extended prayers for peace and comfort to all who knew Ace.
The news of Ashford’s sudden death has sent shockwaves through the community. An online obituary described the loss as a struggle for those who knew and loved him, as they grapple with the untimely death of a young man filled with promise, kindness, and humility. The obituary further stated, “Ace Ashford was more than just a bright and promising student; he was a beloved son, brother, friend, and community member who touched the lives of everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.”