A tragic incident unfolded at a high school in northern Georgia on Wednesday, resulting in the death of two individuals and injuries to four others. The incident occurred at Apalachee High School in Winder, where law enforcement agencies responded to an active shooter situation around 10:30 a.m., according to the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office.
Authorities have confirmed that at least one suspect has been taken into custody in connection with the shooting. The situation escalated rapidly, leading to the unfortunate loss of two lives and leaving several others injured. The identities of the victims and the suspect have not been released yet.
By 11:30 a.m., the scene was secured by law enforcement, and students were gradually released from the school premises, as per a spokesperson from the Barrow County School District. The school grounds were swarming with police vehicles from various agencies, who were seen organizing students in the athletic field area.
Eyewitness reports from the scene indicated that at least two individuals were airlifted from the location, presumably for urgent medical attention. The extent of their injuries remains unknown at this time.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp expressed his concern over the incident, stating that all available state resources have been mobilized to respond to the situation. He also urged Georgians to pray for the safety of students across the state.
The investigation into the incident is ongoing, with local, state, and federal agencies working together to gather more information. The FBI’s Atlanta division has also confirmed its involvement, providing support to local law enforcement.
Following the incident, Apalachee High School was cleared for dismissal, while other schools in the county were placed on a “soft lockdown” as a precautionary measure. The Barrow County Sheriff’s Office emphasized the importance of this measure for everyone’s safety and urged parents not to visit their children’s schools during the lockdown.