Doctors Extract Keys, Knife from Man’s Stomach

In a shocking medical case in India, a young man in his early twenties was found to have swallowed a variety of metal objects, including keys, nail clippers, and even a knife. The discovery was made after the man’s mother noticed the keys to her wardrobe were missing. When questioned, the man admitted to swallowing the keys, a claim his mother initially dismissed as a joke. However, a subsequent trip to the hospital in Motihari, …

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Man’s Stomach Ache Leads to Shocking Discovery

A 35-year-old man, Kuldeep Singh, who had been suffering from a persistent stomach ache for two years, left doctors astounded when they discovered a plethora of household items in his stomach. The items ranged from buttons to earphones, and even included lockets, chains, nuts, bolts, safety pins, magnets, and zippers. The discovery was made at the Moga Medicity Hospital in Moga, Punjab, where Singh sought medical attention due to his chronic stomach issues and a …

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