Woman Killed by Naked Man in Park

A horrific incident unfolded in Männedorf’s Villa Alma Park on Tuesday evening, when a woman was fatally assaulted by a naked man. The man, who was reportedly launching random attacks in the park, was seen by passersby who promptly alerted the police. The 19-year-old suspect, also a Swiss national, was apprehended on the park grounds shortly after the incident. The victim, a jogger, was found in a critical state by the authorities when they arrived …

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Man Gored by Bison in Brutal Attack

A Utah resident, Halen Carbajal, suffered severe injuries after being gored by a bison last month. Carbajal, who admitted his actions were ill-advised, had approached the bison with the intention of petting it. The incident resulted in a lacerated liver and an 8-inch wound for Carbajal. Carbajal had been returning from an early Thanksgiving celebration with his girlfriend when he noticed a herd of bison on a neighboring property. Overcome by curiosity, he decided to …

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Woman bites off attacker’s body part and keeps it as evidence for police

On Sunday, Feb 18, Avignon, France, was witness to a shocking scene. An immigrant from Tunisia in his thirties accosted a 57-year-old woman who was out walking her dog in the early morning hours. According to France Bleu, the man aggressively grabbed the woman and proceeded to kiss her while inappropriately touching himself. The woman did not back down and fought valiantly against the perpetrator. In an act of bravery, she bit off a portion …

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Baseball bat attack at Intel site leaves 1 dead

A tragic event occurred at an Intel semiconductor plant in Chandler, Arizona on a Saturday morning. According to the police statement, Derrick Lemond Simmons, 50, was arrested for the murder of one person and the assault of another. Witnesses of the incident informed the police that Simmons had attacked the victim with a baseball bat multiple times, as well as a hatchet and a knife. The victim, who had suffered from what appeared to be …

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Good samaritan loses eye when standing up for special needs boy

Despite losing her right eye after getting punched in the head, Bianca Palomera won’t undo standing up to a man who bullied a special-needs boy. “Deep down, there will always be a little regret, but I wouldn’t take it back,” added the 19-year-old. Last Saturday afternoon, Palomera was working as an assistant manager at Habit Burger in Antioch, California, when she noticed a man bullying a special-needs teen there. “I hear the threats going, him …

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Pelosi undergoes surgery on skull after crazed-maniac’s attack

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband underwent surgery on his skull Friday morning after being struck in the head by a hammer during a violent attack by a home invader looking for his wife. After the attack, Paul Pelosi was taken to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital for surgery, where he underwent skull surgery this morning, according to a local ABC report. The 82-year-old is expected to recover from his injuries, according to doctors. Nancy Pelosi’s office …

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Police release video of suspect violently pushing subway commuter onto tracks

The New York City police are searching for a man who pushed a subway commuter from the platform before fleeing in Brooklyn on Friday afternoon. Security footage of the incident has been released and confirmed the victim was not struck by a train but injured physically. According to the NYPD, the suspect “intentionally charged at a 32-year-old male victim without being provoked” at the Wyckoff Avenue and Myrtle Avenue subway station around 2.40 p.m., pushing …

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New York Governor Steps Up Beach Surveillance After Record Five Shark Attacks In Recent Weeks

New York’s governor on Monday ordered state agencies to step up surveillance of Long Island beaches by lifeguards, drones and helicopters following a string of five shark attacks in recent weeks. Authorities in Suffolk County, New York, began flying a drone over Smith Point County beach after two bathers suffered shark bites on Wednesday. Governor Kathy Hochul’s directive expands that program to three more beaches. “We are taking action to expand patrols for sharks and …

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Oklahoma Hospital Shooting Leaves 4 Victims Dead

Man Who Killed 4 in Tulsa Medical Center Bought Rifle Hours Before Attack, Police Say – The New York Times A man who underwent back surgery last month killed four people with two guns he had purchased in recent days. The shooter opened fire at the Natalie Medical Building on the St. Francis Hospital campus shortly after 4:50 p.m. local time, according to the deputy chief. Police found four victims dead at Saint Francis Hospital, …

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