Poison Served to Family at Restaurant Instead of Juice

Perth, Australia – A Perth couple was left alarmed when their two daughters were mistakenly served a potentially harmful solution instead of cranberry juice at a local Italian restaurant. The incident, currently under investigation by health authorities, occurred on Friday night at Miky’s Italian Restaurant in Nedlands.

Marcus and Michele Lemin recounted how they had ordered cranberry juice for their 11 and 12-year-old daughters, Hannah and Olivia. However, the girls immediately spat out the liquid, claiming it was “poisoned.” Concerned, Michele decided to taste the drink herself and also found it to be unacceptable.

Realizing something was amiss, Marcus approached the staff and demanded to see the bottle from which the solution had been poured. After some resistance, he obtained the bottle from the restaurant’s refrigerator. The label on the bottle indicated that it contained “plus Bifenthrin” and carried a warning.

Alarmed by the situation, the family reached out to the poisons information center for guidance. They were advised to urgently take their daughters to the Perth Children’s Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. The girls experienced symptoms such as burning stomachs and tingling fingers and hands. After six hours of observation, they were discharged.

Marcus has lodged complaints with the Health Department and reached out to the local council regarding the incident. Miky’s Italian Restaurant has assured that they are actively investigating the matter.

The incident has sparked concerns regarding food safety and the well-being of restaurant patrons. The Health Department is conducting a thorough examination of the restaurant’s hygiene practices to determine how this severe mistake occurred.

The Lemin family urges other parents to remain vigilant and carefully inspect their children’s drinks when dining out. They believe that this incident serves as a reminder for restaurants to implement stronger safety protocols.

The investigation into the matter is ongoing, with authorities working to determine the cause of the mix-up at Miky’s Italian Restaurant in Nedlands.