A tragic incident unfolded over the weekend in Iowa, as a 26-year-old Illinois man lost his life in a hunting accident. Seth Egelhoff was part of a hunting party in the Bay Branch Wildlife Area, located approximately 40 miles west of Des Moines. The unfortunate event occurred around 1 p.m. on Saturday when Egelhoff was accidentally shot in the face by a fellow hunter.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources reported that a 911 call was placed immediately following the incident. Emergency medical personnel responded swiftly, attempting to transport Egelhoff to a location where a helicopter could airlift him to a hospital. However, Egelhoff succumbed to his injuries before he could be transported to the pick-up location.
The local police are currently investigating the incident. Conservation Officer Jeremy King, however, has indicated that the shooting appears to be accidental. No further details about the incident or the identity of the shooter have been released at this time.
In the wake of this tragic event, a GoFundMe page has been established to support Egelhoff’s family. The page describes Egelhoff as a cherished son, brother, grandson, uncle, and friend. Egelhoff, a native of Chesterfield, Illinois, was known for his generous spirit and infectious smile.
The page further reads, “Seth Egelhoff was one of a kind and had a smile that could light up any room. Anyone that knew him, knows he would do anything for just about anyone and ask for nothing in return.” The community has rallied around the family, offering support and condolences during this difficult time.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the inherent risks associated with hunting. Safety precautions and proper training are crucial to prevent such unfortunate incidents. As the investigation continues, the community mourns the loss of a beloved individual, and the hunting community is reminded of the importance of safety during their pursuits.