Masuimi Max, a renowned model and actress known for her work with Playboy and Maxim, was discovered deceased in her residence in the Las Vegas area on Thursday. The 45-year-old’s death was confirmed by emergency responders who arrived at her home following a call received shortly before 11:30 AM ET.
While no foul play is currently suspected, authorities have assured that a comprehensive investigation will be carried out. As of now, no additional details surrounding the circumstances of her death have been disclosed.
The news of Max’s passing has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, with tributes from friends, family, and fans beginning to flood in. Ashleeta Beauchamp, a close friend of Max, expressed her disbelief and gratitude on Instagram, crediting Max for her mentorship and opportunities in the industry. Other tributes highlighted Max’s vibrant personality and her impact on the industry.
Max, whose career in modeling took off in 2000, quickly gained prominence, securing work with several high-profile publications including Playboy, Maxim, Alt, and Bizarre magazines. Her acting career included a role in the 2005 action film “XXX: State of the Union,” directed by Lee Tamahori, where she shared the screen with Samuel L. Jackson, Ice Cube, XZibit, Scott Speedman, and Willem Dafoe. She also had roles in “Cornman: American Vegetable Hero” and “Giantess Battle Attack.”
Prior to her untimely death, Max was scheduled to perform at a Vegas Chaos anniversary event on January 27 at The Dive Bar in Las Vegas. The event was set to feature “gorelesque” performances from Max, Ali, Z Diaboli, and Liilipher. The future of the event remains uncertain following the news of Max’s passing.