Disturbing video shows teen student beating teacher unconscious

This week, a video has surfaced that shows a 6-foot-6-inch Florida student violently attacking a female staff member inside a school. The 17-year-old rushed towards the educator after she confiscated his Nintendo Switch video game device, and he proceeded to shove her to the floor, where he began to stomp on her before punching her 15 times.

Other staff members witnessed the incident and quickly ran to stop the boy, and the paraprofessional was taken to the hospital, where she is expected to recover from her injuries.

Footage released by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office shows the assailant being handcuffed inside a classroom at Matanzas High School in Volusia County. According to an arrest report, deputies found the teacher bloody and unconscious.

The attacker, who lives in a group home, was spitting in the teacher’s direction and saying he would kill her when he returned to school. When the teen was being processed, he became violent when he didn’t get the answers he wanted.

Volusia County Sheriff Rick Staly issued a statement about the incident, saying, “The actions of this student are absolutely horrendous and completely uncalled for. We hope the victim will recover, both mentally and physically, from this incident.” The student has been handed over to the Department of Juvenile Justice and was charged with felony battery.

Volusia County School officials released a statement expressing their dedication to the safety and security of their students and staff and they are cooperating with the local authorities in their investigation.