A Bosnian bodybuilder, Nermin Sulejmanovic, 35, shocked the world when he live-streamed the murder of his ex-wife on Instagram, before embarking on a shooting spree that culminated in his suicide. The horrifying incident, which took place in the northeastern town of Gradacac, resulted in the death of three people and left three others injured.
The gruesome event began on Friday morning when Sulejmanovic posted a video on Instagram, announcing to his followers that they were about to witness a live execution. He then directed the camera towards his ex-wife, who was visibly injured and bloodied. In the disturbing video, a child’s cries can be heard in the background. It was later revealed that approximately 12,000 people watched the horrific act unfold live.
Sulejmanovic then informed his followers that he was the father of the child heard crying in the background, and accused his ex-wife of hiding the toddler from him for over a week. He also claimed that she had reported him to the police for domestic violence. He then proceeded to shoot his ex-wife in the forehead, before turning the camera to show the child lying on the floor.
Following the murder of his ex-wife, Sulejmanovic continued to live-stream videos on Instagram while being pursued by the police. He informed his viewers that he had killed two other people off-camera, who were later identified as a man and his young son. Sulejmanovic also injured a police officer, another man, and a woman at various locations throughout Gradacac while evading the police.
Nermin Niksic, the prime minister of the Bosnian Federation, expressed his shock and horror at the events that unfolded in Gradacac. He lamented the loss of life and the fact that the perpetrator ended his own life before he could be apprehended. The police in the city of Tuzla confirmed that Sulejmanovic committed suicide after being located but before he could be arrested.
Authorities have not yet revealed a motive for the shocking crime, but it was disclosed that Sulejmanovic’s ex-wife had previously reported him for threats and violence. Sulejmanovic also had a criminal record, with past arrests for drug smuggling and assaulting a police officer. Local media reported that he was a member of a drug gang and was arrested in 2013 for selling marijuana and heroin.
Ingrid Macdonald, the UN’s resident coordinator in Bosnia, condemned the levels of violence against women in the country and called for immediate collective action to prevent future violence. She expressed her horror at the fact that the murder was live-streamed on a social network and called on authorities and the international community to prioritize the eradication of femicide.
Prosecutors have warned that some followers who posted supportive messages on Sulejmanovic’s social media account could face legal consequences.