A two-year-old boy tragically lost his life on Monday due to a gunshot wound to the head, leading to the arrest of two individuals, according to the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office. The child, Zane Sebastian Burgess, was rushed to Prisma Health Hillcrest Hospital by family members, where he succumbed to his injuries at 7:51 p.m., as reported by the Greenville County Coroner’s Office.
The incident that led to the child’s death began at his residence on Lebon Place in Simpsonville. Following an investigation, the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office dispatched deputies to the home. The child’s mother, Deylakotia Simon Burgess, 32, and her step-father, Willie Tyron Burgess Jr., 50, were subsequently arrested.
The charges against the two adults are related to unlawfully placing a child at risk. The authorities believe that the child was able to access a firearm within the home, which resulted in what is suspected to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Arrest warrants reveal that a handgun was left in a location within the home where the child could easily access it. The child is believed to have accidentally shot himself with the weapon, leading to his untimely death.
The Greenville County Magistrate’s Office has since held a hearing for the two accused individuals. Both Willie Burgess and Deylakotia Burgess were granted bonds of $10,000 each.
This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of secure firearm storage, particularly in homes with children. It underscores the need for increased awareness and education about gun safety to prevent such heartbreaking incidents in the future.