Angry Woman Accused of Poisoning Husband’s Mountain Dew

A Missouri woman, aged 47, is facing serious charges after she was reportedly filmed contaminating her husband’s Mountain Dew with Round Up weed killer. The husband claimed that his wife, Michelle Y. Peters, was upset because he did not show enough gratitude for the 50th birthday party she had organized for him. Peters was arrested on Monday and charged with first-degree domestic assault and armed criminal action, as announced by the authorities. The husband reported …

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4-Year-Old Dies After Steady Diet of Mountain Dew

An Ohio woman, Tamara Banks, 41, has been sentenced to a minimum of nine years and a maximum of 13.5 years in prison after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the death of her four-year-old daughter, Karmity Hoeb. The child’s death in January 2022 was attributed to diabetes and tooth decay, both caused by a diet of baby formula mixed with Mountain Dew, a sugary soft drink. The child’s father, Christopher Hoeb, 53, also pleaded …

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