NASA Makes Groundbreaking Discovery on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars, unearthing yellowish-green crystals of pure sulfur, a find that has never been reported on the red planet before. The discovery was made as the one-ton rover traversed a pile of rocks, cracking one open in the process, in the deep and winding Gediz Vallis channel, a region believed to have been shaped by water around 3 billion years ago. Ashwin Vasavada, a Curiosity project scientist …

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Woman Claiming to be Elon Musk’s Wife Arrested for Trespassing at SpaceX Facility

A woman, aged 41, was apprehended at the Texas-based SpaceX facility after allegedly breaching restricted zones and claiming to be the wife of the company’s CEO, Elon Musk. The woman, known as Su Young Boudreau, was found wandering in an area of the facility reserved for employees. When confronted by security staff, she introduced herself as Musk’s spouse. The incident, which took place on Tuesday, led to the involvement of the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office. …

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VIDEO: Tesla demanding viral video be removed

Tesla demands viral video of its cars hitting child-sized mannequins gets taken down. Tech CEO who funded it refuses, calls Musk a ‘crybaby.’ – BUSINESS INSIDER Tesla sent a cease-and-desist letter to an anti-Tesla advocacy group that created and posted a video showing one of its vehicles mowing down a kid-sized mannequin. Tesla argues the footage is a libelous distortion of the beta “Full Self-Driving” Tesla tech. The Dawn Projects ad shows a Tesla Model …

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Elon Musk’s True Plan for Twitter: Artificial Intelligence Takeover

Elon Musk Has an Original Way to Outshine Warren Buffett – TheStreet Reported by our news partners at AbsoluteNews: Elon Musk is excited to own Twitter as he has quietly been developing human-level article writing AI for years and has proven its work product time and time again.  Now he can leverage the same AI as a virtual overlord to all Twitter users, possibly including the use of non-human Twitter accounts that will “swarm” any who …

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Even Elon Musk Is Fed Up With Democrats’ Green Energy Agenda

During the 2020 presidential election, then-Democratic candidate Joe Biden promised he would move to eradicate fossil fuels if elected. In January 2021, the newly sworn-in president jumped into action and enacted a war on US energy companies in a move beholden to climate change proponents. Within months, gas prices began to climb. Consumers have paid more at the pumps every month Biden has been in office. Now, the Russian war on Ukraine is causing prices …

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