A tragic incident unfolded in Hawaii as a well-known social media influencer and beauty entrepreneur was fatally shot by her estranged husband in an apparent murder-suicide, according to local law enforcement. Theresa Cachuela, 33, a mother of three and the proprietor of House of Glam Hawaii LLC, was killed by Jason Cachuela, 44, in the parking lot of the Pearlridge Center. The couple’s young daughter, whose age has been reported as either 6 or 8, witnessed the horrific event.
Jason Cachuela reportedly took his own life shortly after fleeing the scene in a gray Mazda. The incident is being investigated as a murder-suicide by local authorities. This tragic event occurred just two weeks after Theresa Cachuela was granted a protective order against her estranged husband by a judge.
According to police Lt. Deena Thoemmes, the incident was not random as the victim and suspect were involved in a relationship. She further noted that a temporary restraining order (TRO) had been served on Jason Cachuela, leading to the classification of the case as first-degree murder. Upon serving the TRO, police had confiscated Jason’s five registered firearms.
The couple’s youngest daughter, who witnessed the incident, is reportedly traumatized. Theresa’s mother, Lucita Ani-Nihoa, shared with local media that the young girl is struggling to comprehend the loss of her mother. In the TRO petition, Theresa had mentioned that Jason had threatened to kill himself in her presence, further escalating her fear and trauma.
Ani-Nihoa has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover funeral expenses for her daughter, who she lovingly referred to as “Tita”. She expressed her grief and frustration with the justice system, which she believes failed her daughter. She also revealed that Theresa had been a victim of abuse and harassment by her husband, which led her to file the TRO and seek a divorce.
In the days leading up to the tragic incident, Jason had reportedly made multiple suicide threats. He was only allowed to contact Theresa regarding child custody matters. Jason’s attorney, Michael Green, stated that his client had never threatened violence against Theresa and their children.
Ani-Nihoa believes that the fatal incident could have been prevented if her daughter’s pleas for help had been taken more seriously by the police. She alleges that despite Jason’s threats and possession of firearms, no action was taken against him. Theresa’s cousin, Terrell Scott, wants her to be remembered as a dedicated mother and business owner who did everything she could to protect her children.