In a chilling event, a California man, accused of beheading his elderly parents and their pet dog, was shot multiple times by law enforcement officers. The man, known as Joseph Gerdvil, was discovered injured on the ground, bizarrely singing Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Got to Do With It.”
On July 9, Orange County sheriff’s deputies found Gerdvil near San Juan Mobile Estates, responding to a gruesome murder scene in San Juan Capistrano. The decapitated remains of his parents, Ronald Gerdvil, 77, and Antoinette Gerdvil, 79, and their savagely killed dog were discovered in their mobile home, as per police records.
Gerdvil, 41, was later reportedly seen assaulting a maintenance worker. When law enforcement approached him, he was drenched in blood, speaking in a disjointed manner, and threw a heavy shovel at them. As an officer commanded him to surrender, Gerdvil charged at the officer, who discharged five rounds at him from a close distance of approximately 10 feet.
The first three bullets appeared to have little effect on Gerdvil. However, after the fourth shot, he collapsed to the ground, bleeding heavily from his injuries. Officers at the scene promptly began providing first aid to Gerdvil, whose behavior took an even stranger turn.
At one point, Gerdvil was heard uttering, “I love you … I’m sorry you’re gonna have to die,” followed by a request to the officers to “finish him off.” As the officers tried to control his bleeding, Gerdvil started singing love songs, including the 1984 Tina Turner hit, “What’s love got to do with it, got to do with it? What’s love but a second-hand emotion?” He also sang Stevie Wonder’s “I just called to say I love you.”
Gerdvil was quickly transported to a nearby hospital where his condition was stabilized. He is currently facing two counts of homicide for the deaths of his parents.