In a shocking incident, two employees of the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas were critically injured after being stabbed in the early hours of Saturday. The attack occurred just after 1 a.m. local time, according to a representative from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. The casino floor was cordoned off as a crime scene, with video footage revealing the extent of the police presence.
Both the victims and the assailant were rushed to the hospital with severe injuries. The suspect, believed to be a patron of the casino, was shot by security personnel during the incident. The police have stated that the suspect’s injuries are also life-threatening.
The motive behind the attack remains unclear, as the suspect is not believed to have had any prior relationship with the victims. The police are continuing their investigation into the incident, which has left the local community in shock.
In the aftermath of the incident, a large number of emergency vehicles were seen outside the casino. Inside, dozens of slot machines were cordoned off with crime scene tape, as shown in video footage posted by Carlos S Tech. The local authorities have advised residents to avoid the area around the Red Rock Casino if possible.
The incident has raised concerns about safety in casinos, which are often open 24/7 and attract a diverse range of patrons. The Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa, like many other casinos, has security measures in place, but this incident has highlighted the potential for violence even in such controlled environments.
As the investigation continues, the Las Vegas community is hoping for a swift recovery for the victims and a thorough understanding of the circumstances that led to this violent incident.