A devastating event occurred in Northern California when a woman was fatally mauled by dogs while on a walking trail. The victim, identified as 56-year-old Davina Corbin, was discovered by a local resident on the Blackhawk Trail in Feather Falls early on a Thursday morning, as reported by the Butte County Sheriff’s Office. Corbin’s body was marred by numerous bite wounds and injuries, and her clothing tested positive for domestic dog DNA. The medical examiner’s office later confirmed that her death was due to a domestic dog attack.
The location of the incident was in close proximity to a residence where a group of 25 Great Danes was found wandering without restraint. The sheriff’s office dedicated the entire day to capturing the dogs, which were then handed over to Butte County Animal Control. The DNA of these dogs is set to be compared with the DNA discovered on Corbin’s clothing and body to pinpoint the dog or dogs involved in the attack.
The incident has incited anger among local residents, who argue that Corbin’s death could have been avoided. Max Heckler, a resident near the walking trail, disclosed that he and other neighbors had lodged complaints about the disorderly dogs to Butte County Animal Control on several occasions. Heckler voiced his dissatisfaction with the authorities’ inaction, recounting his own near miss with the dogs.
Heckler held the animal control department accountable for their lack of response, asserting that they were as culpable for Corbin’s death as the dogs. He contended that the department should have intervened when they first received the complaints.
In their defense, Butte County Animal Control stated that they had received two calls about stray dogs and concerns about their health and diet, but no reports of aggression. Corbin, who resided near the Blackhawk Trail and was known to regularly walk along it, is thought to have been on the trail when the dogs attacked her.
Corbin’s family has established a fundraising page to assist with funeral expenses. Her son, Justin Corbin, shared his family’s struggle to cope with the loss on the GoFundMe page. As of Tuesday, the investigation is still underway and no charges have been filed.