A devastating event transpired at a Walmart Super Center in Hiram, Georgia, on Wednesday evening, resulting in the death of two individuals in what law enforcement officials suspect to be a case of murder-suicide. The victims, a young man and woman who were previously romantically involved, were discovered with gunshot injuries and later declared dead at Wellstar Kennestone Hospital.
The incident took place around 7:30 p.m. at the Walmart situated at 4166 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway. Hiram Police Chief Mike Turner clarified that this was not a situation involving an active shooter, but rather a heartbreaking incident involving two people who were acquainted with each other. It is believed that the male victim was the perpetrator, with the female victim being his intended target.
Upon reaching the scene, police officers found the victims suffering from gunshot wounds. Despite being rushed to the hospital immediately, both individuals succumbed to their injuries. The identities of the victims have not been disclosed as the process of informing their next of kin is still underway.
The incident caused a wave of panic throughout the store, with customers rushing to find safety as gunshots echoed. One eyewitness, Devani Lopez, recalled the horrifying moment, painting a picture of terror and fear as everyone fled for their lives.
In the wake of the shooting, Walmart released a statement expressing their sorrow over the incident. The company emphasized that the safety of their employees and customers is their top priority, and the store will remain closed as they collaborate with law enforcement during the investigation.
This incident is the latest in a string of shootings that have taken place at Walmart locations in recent years. This includes a mass shooting in Chesapeake, Virginia, last year that resulted in the death of seven people, including the shooter.