A tragic incident unfolded in Idaho when a young boy with autism was found deceased in a canal after he strayed from his own birthday celebration. The boy, Matthew Glynn, had just turned five and was reported missing from his home in Boise, where his family had been commemorating his birthday. His body was discovered around noon on Tuesday in the Farmer’s Union Canal, a waterway approximately half a mile from his residence.
Boise Fire Chief Mark Niemeyer expressed his condolences to the family, stating, “Sadly, this is not the outcome we were all hoping for. Our hearts go out to Matthew’s family, and we extend our deepest condolences during this incredibly difficult time.” The canal was a significant focus of the search and rescue operation due to Matthew’s known fascination with water.
Matthew, who was nonverbal due to his autism, had a known attraction to water. This fact was a major concern for investigators during the search. The Ada County Coroner later confirmed that the cause of Matthew’s death was accidental drowning.
Matthew disappeared around 6 p.m. on Monday during his birthday celebration, according to Boise Police Chief Ron Winegar. At the time of his disappearance, Matthew was wearing his Batman pajamas and was barefoot.
In response to Matthew’s disappearance, a large-scale search operation was launched involving the Boise Police, Boise Fire, and Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue. The search utilized drones, K9 units, and UTVs. In a unique approach to attract the lost boy, the song “Wheels on the Bus” was played over a loudspeaker.
Chief Winegar explained the strategy, stating, “When you have an autistic subject that’s nonverbal, they tend to exhibit preferences and behaviors that are potentially a little bit more predictable. So, we employed some of those strategies that we had been given.”