The small community of McColl, South Carolina, with a population of around 2,000, has been rocked by a series of unfortunate events. The town’s police department, led by Chief Bob Hale, resigned en masse citing a hostile work environment allegedly perpetuated by a councilman. Shortly after, the town was dealt another blow when Mayor George Garner was killed in a car accident.
On Halloween, Hale announced his resignation as police chief via a Facebook post. He had been in the position for a year and cited ongoing harassment, personal attacks on his character, and a hostile work environment created by a specific councilman as reasons for his departure. He also mentioned other unwarranted and malicious behavior that created a toxic atmosphere throughout the department, along with budget cuts that hindered efforts to modernize equipment, enhance training, and increase staffing levels.
Hale’s resignation was effective November 22, and the remaining four officers in the department also resigned. Former investigator Courtney Bulusan, who was among those who resigned, expressed her frustration with the situation, stating that she would not tolerate a job where she felt threatened and unappreciated.
Mayor Garner, at the time, expressed regret over the resignations but remained optimistic about the town’s future. He assured residents that the Marlboro County Sheriff’s Office would oversee the town until a new police chief could be appointed.
However, tragedy struck just days later when Mayor Garner was involved in a fatal car accident. Garner was driving a 2007 Chevy Tahoe on Highway 34 in Mechanicsville, about 30 miles south of McColl, when he crossed into oncoming traffic and collided with a tractor-trailer. Both Garner and the truck driver were rushed to the hospital, but Garner succumbed to his injuries. He was 49 years old.
Darlington County coroner J. Todd Hardee revealed that a sheriff’s deputy had been pursuing Garner at the time of the accident, not due to any legal infractions, but in an effort to ensure his well-being. The circumstances surrounding this pursuit remain unclear. Hardee promised a ruling on the manner of death in the coming days and asked for prayers for Garner’s family and the community.
The investigation into the crash is ongoing, adding another layer of uncertainty to a town already grappling with the loss of its police force and mayor.