A tragic incident unfolded in Augusta, Georgia, where a three-month-old boy was found dead, wrapped in a wet blanket and placed next to an air conditioning unit set at 61 degrees in a Budget Inn Express. Three individuals, including the child’s mother, have been charged with second-degree murder and second-degree child cruelty in connection with the incident.
The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office reported that the child’s mother, 19-year-old September De’Asia Seright, along with Lamisha Diane Seright, 42, and Bennie Antonio Nash, 39, all residents of Washington, Georgia, were charged. The police did not provide details about the relationship between the defendants.
The incident occurred on August 6, when Richmond County deputies were summoned to an “unknown situation” at the Budget Inn on Gordon Highway shortly after 2 a.m. Upon arrival, they discovered the unresponsive infant, identified as Josiah Noel Seright. The child was immediately transported to a local hospital, Wellstar MCG, where he was pronounced dead at 2:37 a.m.
Local ABC affiliate WJBF reported that the child was not only wrapped in a wet blanket but was also strapped into a wet car seat. Officials informed the media outlet that the cause of death was hypothermia and respiratory failure. The Augusta Press reported that the child’s mother allegedly took the infant into the bathroom with her while she showered, then left him wrapped in a wet blanket next to the air conditioning unit. She then reportedly laid on the hotel room couch, while the other defendants occupied the hotel room bed.
The exact duration of the child’s exposure to these conditions remains unknown. An autopsy is scheduled to take place as part of the ongoing investigation.
The current legal representation status of the defendants is unclear. All three are currently being held at the Charles B. Webster Detention Center in Richmond County, with no information available regarding bond.