Renowned Actor Known for ‘Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Titanic,’ Has Died

Renowned actor Bernard Hill, best known for his roles in “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” and “Titanic,” has passed away at the age of 79. His agent, Lou Coulson, confirmed his death on Sunday morning. Hill’s career in the film industry was marked by memorable roles, including his portrayal of Théoden, King of Rohan, in the second and third installments of “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. His performance in …

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Tourist submarine missing in Atlantic Ocean

On Monday, the US Coast Guard in Boston and Canadian rescue teams began searching for a submersible which was carrying five people to the wreckage site of the Titanic. The submarine was reported missing on Sunday night, located 435 miles south of St. John’s, Newfoundland. Rear Admiral John Mauger, commander of the First Coast Guard District, reported two aircrafts from both the US and Canada were searching the area, along with a commercial ship. The …

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