Shocking video shows ride plumet to the ground

A carnival attraction in India fell 50 feet to the ground, leaving several injured. The Hindustan Times reported the incident happened on Sunday night at the Dussehra Grounds at Phase-8, Mohali, Punjab, in India. According to the report, “At least 10 people, including five children, were seriously injured after the funicular, also known as a tower-fall, came crashing down.

The joyride is a round-shaped attraction attached to a tall tower. Normally, passengers experience a thrilling ascent, followed by a thrilling yet safe descent, but sadly, this is not the experience that these riders are having. In the video, you can see a ride decorated with lights spinning around in midair, approximately 50 feet up.

What you would expect to be a slow slide down is anything but. The attraction drops off drastically and speeds up, until it crashes into the platform below.

Safety harnesses are the only things keeping passengers inside. But watching the video, you can see just how much they slammed into the ground. With their bodies taking all of the shock.

It was reported that a ride malfunction left riders left freefalling off of it. Witnesses of the accident helped transport those injured to the local hospital. There were no ambulances at the scene. There were reports of the amusement park operators running away from the site following the accident.

The rides have since been closed, and the investigation has begun. No deaths have been reported as of yet.

For more coverage on this story, see the additional news sources below: NY Post Fox News Today Hinustan Times