Tuesday night brought anguish to the small village of Tai Po in the Hong Kong area, as 28-year-old model Abby Choi was reported missing. After searching the area, police made a gruesome discovery; her body parts were found inside a refrigerator.
Her ex-husband and in-laws were arrested in connection with the crime and charged with her murder, after her skull was located in one of the cooking pots at the scene. The head appeared to have been boiled until only the skull remained. Additionally, several ribs, hair, human tissue, a meat slicer, an electric saw, and a few human bones were also found in a separate pot.
Superintendent Alan Chung of Hong Kong police said that while the precise time of death remains unclear, the motive may have been related to financial arguments that were taking place involving tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.
He added that Choi’s ex-husband, his family, and “some people” were not pleased with the way she was dealing with her finances, which could have been a source of their animosity that resulted in this tragedy.
Ms. Choi had a large online following with over 100,000 followers, and only a week prior had shared photographs of herself from a fashion shoot with “L’Officiel Monaco.” Her sudden passing has left her family and friends in mourning, and the village in shock.